Sunday, January 18, 2015

My Method

If you read my method tab you'll know that I believe that weight loss involves changing our behavior and using several different strategies to do that. So, how am I doing that? Let me tell you about it. It's all based on information you can read in Influencer by Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan and Al Switzler. It should be noted that I am not a certified Influencer trainer and that I am not at all affiliated with the Vital Smarts group. I just read the book and took the training.

Personal Motivation: I am honestly not that broken up about my size. Sure, I'd like to be a bit smaller around the waist but I don't think about too often and when I do it's usually pretty quickly forgotten. I am also not obese and I do not have any medical problems (that I know of) which are a result of my weight. Yeah, yeah Veronica get to the point. Okay. I want to be stronger. I was never good at sports growing up.

True story. I tried all of them and I was bad at all of them. There was a small bright spot though, a weight lifting class in high school. I actually liked it and I saw progress in my lifting. It was fun. That was seriously the only time I had ever thought that in gym class. So I want that again. I want to be strong, push myself and be able to do a handstand. That's may not include losing all 20 lbs that I'd like to lose but I'd be happy if I make that goal and the numbers don't change much.

Personal Ability: I know what to do to eat well. I've got that down. I purchased Lift Weights Faster so that I would have a solid training program to follow so I don't just flounder around at the gym.

Social Motivation and Ability: I need others to motivate and enable me. That includes this blog (you, readers, are motivating me). I need my husband and friends to enable me. I need to feel like it's okay to not eat the treats they bring to Bible Study and when I say I want ice cream for dessert I need my husband to say, "Is that really what you want?".

Structural Motivation: Structural motivation is about rewards. The key is that they must be directly related to my behaviors of eating well and following my training schedule. So, if my reward is new workout clothes every month that I complete my training, I have to hold myself accountable and not get that reward unless I actually complete my training. By the way, that is my reward for myself. I love buying activewear. No idea why I prefer that to buying actual clothes but I do. I like to get it from Fabletics. Their clothes are high quality and so, stinking cute. Here's one of my favorite outfits from their site:

Structural Ability: I need to change my environment to make it easier to do my behaviors. I plan to do this in two ways. 1. Move my cell phone (alarm clock) to my dresser, not my nightstand. Then I have to get up out of bed to turn it off and then I'm less likely to get back in bed. 2. Not keep ice cream in the house. At night, when I want ice cream, I'm not usually willing to go out and get it but if it's already in my house you better believe I'm eating it. So, no ice cream in the house, that way if I have the occasional treat when we're with friends it won't completely ruin all the rest of my hard work.

So there you go, I'll be reporting at least a few times a week to keep you posted on my progress. Thanks for helping keep me motivated an accountable!

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